
G100 (CAT+CET) Do Or Die One Year program 2026

Original price was: ₹40,000.00.Current price is: ₹30,000.00.

Eclasses, Shortcuts, Mocks, Books , Topicwise Test and GK

Call 09594938931 for more details
• 3 set Revolutionary Books (orange,pro, other exams).
• 100 Full Length Mocks (25 for CAT and 75 Other Exams)
• 300+ e-Class Basic Lecture Videos
• 250+ Workshop (Shortcuts) Videos
• Strategy Videos for all exams
• Mentorship Program
• Weekly homework, test and discussion
• Study Material ( 3 sets of books )
• All mocks upgraded to new CAT pattern

Note : Fees Once Paid is not Refundable

Program is Valid till March, 2026


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This program is divided into 4 Phases

Phase 1 : Building Up your Basics

• Study Package courier consisting of 4 Books
• Online Shortcuts and Basic Workshops by Rav Sir and other toppers of CAT

Phase 2 : Preparation Level 2 Advance level
• Study Package courier consisting of Cutoff Clearing
• Online Skill Builders
• Online shortcuts workshops by Rav Sir

Phase 3 : Preparation Level 3
• Online Full Length Mocks
• Online Videos for last one month by Rav Sir
• Daily homework
• D- Day Paper

Phase 4 : GDPI training
• PI skills lectures
• WAT, Creative, GDs, Case studies and Group Activities

Call 09594938931 for more details

• Video lectures by Serial CAT and CMAT topper Rav Singh Sir and other top faculty members
• 24 hours available lectures help you prepare at your own favorite time
• Workshop videos which include Short-cut techniques and other speed enhancing techniques
• Excellent results of CAT and CET online and classroom programs

Online Material
• Cetking’s revolutionary 3 phase books will be delivered to your home by courier.
• Cetking material is made comprehensive as it includes concepts, basics, shortcuts and strategies
• Special focus on Quant DILR and verbal ability

Ck pack of Revolutionary New Pattern Books for CAT
Books will be sent by courier to your address in different phases.
Phase 1 Immediately on enrollment
Phase 2 June 2021.

Phase 1: New Pattern Orange books
Finally a pack of books enough to clear CAT Cutoffs. Set of 10 Intensive books made with focus on getting IIM Calls. No Nonsense concise set of 10 books to help you clear the cutoffs for IIMs. Most updated books for CAT 2021 made after keeping in mind the CAT 2020 paper.
Printed after CAT 2021 so most updated books.( Usually received by students in 4-5 working days depending on location)

Phase 2: Advance pro Books:
Crafted for the expert level for students who have focus on getting 99%ile. Contains questions from actual CAT papers as well so that you dont have to look anywhere else.

How Cetking mocks program works…

Score maximiser mocks includes:

Phase based mocks
Cetking’s Revolutionary 3 phase program to help you strategise and increase your score gradually. Phase 1 focus on accuracy building, Phase 2 on attempt building and Phase 3 talks about Acceleration.

Mock Taking Strategies
Cetking fool proof mock taking strategies are designed to help you increase your score by 20 marks by fine tuning your strategies on the Dday.

National Benchmarking
All India Ranking and percentiles for all Cetking tests. National Benchmarking you with hundreds of other MBA aspirants all over India.

Personalized Analytics Report
In depth analysis of each and every mock you have taken with time wise analysis and expert recommendations. Graphical performance across tests, areas/topics and difficulty levels.

Simulated Testing Interface
Cetking uses Interface which is exactly replicating actual tests. So all your Full length mocks will give you are surreal experience of the actual exam.

Cloud based Testing
To make it easy, now Cetking Mock and tests can be taken from anywhere laptop at home, mobile while travelling, ipad at work or even on our dedicated app.

Skill builder tests
A special resource for all Cetking students containing 350 plus topic wise tests for all important topics from Quant, Verbal, Reasoning, Data Interpretation and GK.

Validity-Till the March 2026

For more details about new program call – 09594938931
For Couriers and Tech issues – 08879835660