IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experiences


Analytical Writing Test
20 minutes and 1 lined page on the other side of the questionnaire to answer the following 4-5 questions.
1. What are the claim(s) made by Author here?
2. What is the reasoning provided here?
3. Is the reasoning strong or weak?
4. Give reasons.

10 most commonly repeated IIMA – AWT of Last years
1. Social media is has helped in making our world more democratic. It helps politicians reach out to the people. Even people looking to gain traction in politics can share their views and build up popularity helping them enter the political circle. Social media also helps to reach out to people to gather funds. Forums like Facebook and WhatsApp helps people communicate between themselves. (There were more positives of social media which were mentioned which I am unable to recall)
Hence, social media can only lead to a harmonious future.

2. Topic : The #MeToo campaign has been quite an exaggerated one. It is ruining the foundations of our society and worsening the current situation regarding trust on men. These allegations on men, who were respected in the society otherwise, could be disregarded until these numbers become sensational.

3, ‘Chalta Hai attitude of Indians’

4. IITians are offered subsidy for their education and it is taxpayers’ money. They end up taking management jobs and hence it is a wasteful expenditure on them. Write the claim of the author, whether you agree or not and why?
Technology impacts how children think and feel. They tend to think superficially and lose creativity. The ones who spend too much time online tend to lose focus. So they should be kept away from technology till they are 12 years old. We had to take stand for or against it and explain.

5. AWT: The Kannada Development Authority recently protested against the conducting of a Staff Selection Commission recruitment exam in Karnataka and Kerala to fill the posts of clerks, assistants and data entry operators as the exam was conducted only in English and Hindi. The KDA felt that it would put the local aspirants at a disadvantage as they wouldn’t be able to attempt it in their mother tongue. SSC countered by saying that the jobs being central government based, would be subject to transfer to other states, where they would be at a disadvantage. The conducting of a language test before moving to other states is not feasible. Hence candidates should know Hindi to attempt the test.

6. There were strong allegations against the company for using acids above the permissible limits set by foreign authorities in their Kola drink. Whereas there were no such permissible limits set by any governing bodies in India. Due to a high level of acidity in the drink, children were suffering from illness…etc…

7. AWT topic was about how technology and video games in general have negative effects on the learning and grasping power of children below the age of 12 years and how it adversely affects their creativity. The author was of the view that because of these reasons, children should be kept away from technology till they turn atleast 12.

8. The author described about social media being used by politicians to conduct campaigns, fundraisers and even influence opinions. He claimed that social media had made a fair ground for everyone to compete. The author had concluded that the social media has made the world a more democratic place to live.

9. You are the Marketing Manager, who is on leave for 2 days to look after your daughter who is sick, might be because of drinking the same Kola drink. As a Marketing Manager, how would you handle this situation after joining back? What would be your plan of action?

10. Cleanliness is something which the western world follows out of ethics and an efficient waste management system. While some other countries follow it due to imposition of draconian laws. India follows neither- and hence the leads to unhygienic public places. Children follow the cleanliness only if they are taught about it. What India needs is a proper civic education system. But who will impart this lesson? The schools and teachers are neither interested nor are willing to take up the challenge. It seems impossible that cleanliness will be taught to students. We should stop hoping for a Clean India.


IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experiences
Common Essay topics:

  • Direct cash transfer will reduce the problem of leakage in subsidy
  • Organic food, good for individuals, bad for society
  • Imagination is more important that knowledge
  • Of all the inventions and discoveries in the world, which one would you have liked to do/ make and why?
  • Topic: How social are social networks?


[separator] Most common questions asked in PI:
1.question on statistics,economics
2.GK questions
3.work-ex/project work
4.questions regarding to engineering study for Engineering profile candidate

[separator]IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience[/separator]
“Your school is planning to replace all books in library with digital library. Write a letter to your alma matter expressing your opinion”
No. of Panelists: 2 ( one male Prof. M and one lady Prof F)
M: (Opening the door) so Mr.X kaise hai aap?
X: Wished them and a bit confused whether to answer in English or Hindi. Answered in English.
M: What is the meaning of your name.
X: told
M: So, would you like to answer in hindi.
A: Chalega ( the panel could sense my anxiety)
M: So tell us .about yourself
X: Told ( the prepared one)
M: So, What you do basically in your job.
X: Explained
M: A few more questions from work ex.
X: Told
Now came the turn of female prof.

F : If social service, change and higher job responsibility why not IAS
X: More gyan…..
M interrupted in between
M : So, tell me how will measure the height of building… atleast 3..
X : Explained ( seemed satisfied)
M: Compare IIM A with any third grade MBA college.
X: Tried to be diplomatic ( the panel was smiling all the time)
M: Any questions from your side ???
X : Sir, wanted to know about you both
M: Not required
Overall exp : Chill but I thought the last question just screwed everything……..
Verdict : Converted

[separator]IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience[/separator]
1. An average WAT
2. A few questions on electronics. Answered 4/5 questions correctly
3. A question on current affairs. Answered correctly, my opinion could have been better

4. Spoke about hobbies, recited one of my better poems. Seemed impressed
5. Overall experience was decent, but not surprised by the verdict
Verdict: Reject

[separator]IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience[/separator]
Implementation of digital textbooks in government schools of Kerala
Time allocated for WAT- 30 min
No. of Penalists: 2
Q: Do you like statistics?
A: Yes Sir, I am comfortable with it.
Q:Name the different types of probability distributions you know.
A: Binomial, Poisson, Gaussian, Maxwell, Reyleigh
Q: Tell me properties of Normal Distribution.
A: Told in detail (Panelists were satisfied)
Q:Difference between Electrical and Electronics.
A: Told the basic differences in terms of equipment size, operating power,etc.
Q:Difference in Voltage levels of electrical and electronic equipments.
A: Told
Q:Draw a circuit Diagram of Staircase Switching Network.
A: Totally forgot at that time L Still tried for some time till they themselves said it is ok,leave it! ( This is the part I regret L )
Q:What are the various voltage levels of transmission, distribution, etc in India?
A: Told all the levels in detail.
Q:Why is voltage stepped up while transmitting?
A: told in detail again….panel was satisfied
Q:What are the advantages of doing so?
A: Told
Q:Which countries have advanced DC transmission technology?
A: Told a few I knew….
Q:Why is DC transmission technology not used extensively in INDIA?
A: Told the limitations of HVDC….
Q:What are the advantages and disadvantages of using HVDC technology?
A: Told..also named 5-6 HVDC lines in India…
Q:What do you do in your free time?
A: Told about a few interns I did and cricket.
Q:What do you think about the world cup?
A: Had a nice and long discussion about the matches and the teams
Q:Which teams have a good chance of winning?
A: Gave my opinion
Q: Do you read the newspaper regularly?
A: Yes sir
Q: Tell me a recent news related to Apple?
A: I first answered apple watch..they said wo purana hogaya…something else…told about their profit figure they have published…
Q: Is this Apple’s highest ever or lowest ever profit?
A: Highest ever sir.
Q:What was the exact revenue of Apple in this Quarter?
A: Sir I do not remember the exact figure but can take a wild guess….and took a really wild one
Panelists: Thank you X. Take a toffee.

Apuestas Betano: La Nueva Sensación entre los Chilenos

En la era digital en la que vivimos, las apuestas deportivas se han convertido en una actividad cada vez más popular entre los chilenos. En este contexto, Apuestas Betano ha surgido como una nueva sensación en el mundo de las apuestas en línea en Chile. ¿Qué hace a Betano tan atractivo para los apostadores en este país? ¿Qué diferencia a esta plataforma de las demás en el mercado? En este artículo, exploraremos a fondo el fenómeno de Apuestas Betano y analizaremos las razones detrás de su creciente popularidad entre los entusiastas de las apuestas en Chile.

Desde su llegada al mercado chileno, Apuestas Betano ha generado un gran revuelo y se ha posicionado como una de las opciones preferidas por los jugadores locales. ¿Qué hace que Betano destaque entre la competencia y por qué tantos chilenos han optado por esta plataforma para realizar sus apuestas deportivas en línea? A lo largo de esta publicación, examinaremos las características clave de Apuestas Betano, sus promociones atractivas, la variedad de eventos deportivos disponibles y la experiencia de usuario que ofrece. ¡Prepárate para descubrir por qué Apuestas Betano se ha convertido en la elección número uno para muchos apostadores chilenos!

La popularidad creciente de Apuestas Betano en Chile

En Chile, las apuestas deportivas han experimentado un auge significativo en los últimos años, y Betano se ha consolidado como la nueva sensación entre los chilenos. Esta plataforma ofrece una amplia variedad de opciones de apuestas en deportes populares como fútbol, tenis, baloncesto y mucho más, brindando a los jugadores una experiencia emocionante y segura.

Una de las razones por las que Betano ha ganado tanta popularidad en Chile es su interfaz intuitiva y fácil de usar, que permite a los usuarios navegar por la plataforma sin complicaciones. Además, la plataforma ofrece promociones y bonificaciones atractivas que hacen que apostar en Betano sea aún más emocionante y gratificante para los jugadores chilenos.

Los chilenos han encontrado en Betano una plataforma confiable y segura para realizar sus apuestas deportivas, con un servicio al cliente de alta calidad que brinda soporte en todo momento. La variedad de mercados y eventos deportivos disponibles en Betano garantiza que los jugadores siempre encuentren algo interesante en lo que apostar, lo que ha contribuido a su creciente popularidad en Chile.

En resumen, Betano se ha convertido en la opción preferida de muchos chilenos amantes de las apuestas deportivas, gracias a su amplia oferta de deportes, promociones atractivas y servicio al cliente excepcional. Con su enfoque en la seguridad y la diversión de los jugadores, Betano continúa ganando terreno en el competitivo mercado de las apuestas en Chile, ofreciendo una experiencia de apuestas de primer nivel a sus usuarios.

Ventajas y beneficios de utilizar Apuestas Betano

Apuestas Betano se ha convertido en la nueva sensación entre los chilenos. Con una plataforma innovadora y una amplia variedad de opciones de apuestas deportivas, Betano ha ganado la confianza de los aficionados al deporte en Chile. Desde fútbol hasta tenis, los usuarios pueden encontrar una amplia gama de eventos deportivos para apostar en línea.

La facilidad de uso de la plataforma de Apuestas Betano ha sido clave en su crecimiento exponencial en Chile. Con una interfaz intuitiva y opciones de apuestas en tiempo real, los usuarios pueden disfrutar de una experiencia de apuestas fluida y emocionante. Además, Betano ofrece promociones y bonificaciones especiales para sus usuarios, lo que aumenta aún más su atractivo.

Si eres un amante de los deportes y la emoción de las apuestas en línea, no puedes perderte la oportunidad de unirte a Betano. Regístrate ahora en https://playbetano.com/cl/ y comienza a disfrutar de la mejor experiencia de apuestas deportivas en Chile. ¡No te quedes fuera de la acción y vive la emoción del deporte con Betano!

La experiencia del usuario en Apuestas Betano

Las apuestas deportivas han ganado popularidad en Chile, y Betano se ha convertido en la nueva sensación entre los chilenos amantes del deporte y las apuestas. Con una amplia variedad de opciones para apostar en diferentes disciplinas deportivas, Betano ofrece a los usuarios una emocionante experiencia de juego en línea.

La plataforma de Betano destaca por su interfaz amigable y fácil de usar, lo que la convierte en una opción atractiva para aquellos que buscan apostar de manera sencilla y segura. Además, Betano brinda a sus usuarios la oportunidad de disfrutar de promociones exclusivas y bonos de bienvenida, lo que aumenta aún más la emoción y diversión de las apuestas deportivas.

Con un servicio de atención al cliente disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, Betano se preocupa por brindar un soporte completo a sus usuarios, garantizando una experiencia de apuestas sin contratiempos. Los chilenos han encontrado en Betano una plataforma confiable y emocionante para vivir la pasión del deporte a través de las apuestas en línea.

En resumen, Betano ha logrado posicionarse como la opción preferida de los chilenos que buscan emoción, diversión y seguridad al realizar apuestas deportivas en línea. Con su amplia oferta de deportes, promociones atractivas y un servicio al cliente de calidad, Betano se consolida como la nueva sensación en el mundo de las apuestas en Chile.

Seguridad y confiabilidad en las apuestas en línea con Betano

Las apuestas deportivas se han convertido en una actividad de gran interés entre los chilenos, y Betano ha llegado para revolucionar este mercado. Con una amplia variedad de deportes y eventos disponibles para apostar, Betano se ha posicionado como la nueva sensación entre los aficionados a las apuestas en Chile.

La plataforma de Betano ofrece a los usuarios una experiencia interactiva y emocionante, con opciones de apuestas en tiempo real y una interfaz fácil de usar. Con promociones exclusivas y cuotas competitivas, Betano se destaca por brindar a sus usuarios las mejores oportunidades para disfrutar al máximo de sus apuestas deportivas.

Además, Betano se preocupa por la seguridad y privacidad de sus usuarios, garantizando transacciones seguras y protegiendo la información personal de cada cliente. Con un servicio de atención al cliente disponible las 24 horas, los jugadores de Betano pueden disfrutar de una experiencia de apuestas sin preocupaciones.

En resumen, Betano ha conquistado el corazón de los chilenos amantes de las apuestas deportivas, ofreciendo una plataforma confiable, emocionante y llena de oportunidades para disfrutar de su pasión por el deporte. Únete a la nueva sensación de las apuestas en Chile y vive la emoción de apostar con Betano.

Estrategias para maximizar tus ganancias con Apuestas Betano

En la actualidad, Betano se ha consolidado como la nueva sensación entre los chilenos amantes de las apuestas deportivas. Con una amplia variedad de opciones y una plataforma fácil de usar, esta casa de apuestas ha ganado la confianza de los usuarios en Chile.

La popularidad de Betano se debe en gran medida a su enfoque en brindar una experiencia de apuestas segura y emocionante. Con cuotas competitivas y una amplia cobertura de eventos deportivos, los jugadores encuentran en Betano un lugar ideal para disfrutar de sus apuestas favoritas con total tranquilidad.

Además, Betano destaca por su atención al cliente de alta calidad, disponible las 24 horas del día para resolver cualquier duda o inconveniente que puedan tener los usuarios. Esta dedicación al servicio al cliente ha contribuido significativamente a la reputación positiva que Betano ha logrado en Chile.

En resumen, Betano se ha convertido en la elección preferida de los chilenos que buscan emoción y diversión a la hora de apostar en eventos deportivos. Con su enfoque en la seguridad, la variedad de opciones y el excelente servicio al cliente, Betano continúa ganando terreno como una de las principales casas de apuestas en el mercado chileno.

En conclusión, Betano ha llegado para revolucionar el mundo de las apuestas en Chile, ofreciendo una experiencia emocionante y segura para los jugadores. Con su amplia variedad de opciones y promociones atractivas, se ha convertido en la nueva sensación entre los chilenos que buscan diversión y emoción en cada apuesta. No pierdas la oportunidad de unirte a esta emocionante plataforma y descubrir todo lo que Betano tiene para ofrecer. ¡Atrévete a vivir la emoción de apostar con Betano!

[separator]IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience[/separator]
WAT : case study on freedom of expression . should there be limits or not.
2 profs.
Both middle aged
Duration : 15 min
P1: Tell me something about yourself.
Me : Born and brought up in Delhi. Final year of graduation. NSS Volunteer – social involvement. Learning Bharatnatym for seven years. Talked about my two internships – Delhi Metro and gas power plant.
(Could have said more about fests and other stuff)
P1 : Ok . so which turbine is used in this power plant?
Me: combined cycle. Two gas and one steam.
P1: what are the capacities?
Me: told
P1: what is the heat ratio?
Me: I don’t know. (Never even heard the term. I think it is related to mechanical)
P1: cost of generation of electricity?

Me: The bill charges 5 rs per unit. So must be around 3-4 rs per unit.
(Could have talked about transmission and distribution losses and that every plant has a different cost depending on many complex factors.)
P1: which turbine is more efficient? Gas or steam
Me: don’t know exactly but In case of gas turbine, the process is faster due to instant combustion. So, probably gas turbine.
P2: So, why did u choose Bharatnatyam Dance and not any other
Me : sir, initially it was closest to my home that why. But then I really liked it and enjoy it a lot. It is really vibrant. That why
P2: Tell me the difference between Freedom of expression , speech and opinion.
Me: Freedom of speech is a subset of expression. It refers to only verbal expression. Expression is a broader term and can be through variety of means like cartoons, dance, paintings. Opinions are thoughts , they may or may not be expressed.
P2: you have not taken a clear stand. If you have to take a clear stand- should there be limits on freedom of expression or not?
Me: no. there should not be limits. But people must be made aware hat they should use their rights responsibly.
P2: so, the French gov. didn’t do that? That’s why Charlie hebdo happened.?
Me: we as a society learn from our mistakes. And I think this message is clear now.
P1: But French gov. did nothing new in this direction.
Me: But many important people including the Pope have criticized the misuse of freedom of exp to offend a community.
P2: So, you are from Delhi. Do u think Delhi should be given full statehood.
Me: no. it is not practical because Delhi is very small geographically and will not be financially sustainable if made a state. Moreover, lot of central government machinery is in Delhi like the mps and foreign dignitaries visiting. Hence, Centre must have the power to control them.
There are two main reasons why Delhi people want statehood. One is law and order that is the Delhi police is not answerable to Delhi CM. and land issue – state gov. needs permission from center on land usage. DDA is not under state gov.
I think there are better ways to resolve these. Regarding police, one department of police can be made to report to CM. and regarding land- more representation of state in DDA and already some steps have been taken in this direction.
P2: So, is kejriwal mad. Making it an issue.
Me: no sir. There are issues. But full statehood is not practical. A better and middle path solution with devolution of more power to Delhi state would be better.
P1: But, there is even a country which is smaller than Delhi. Which one?
me : Vatican city
P1: how does that work?
Me: It is extremely dependent on its neighbors.
P2: what do u think about CCTV cameras being installed.
Me: I think it is a good step. But it is the second part of ensuring a safe city. It will help in catching criminals. But we can not always wait for crimes to happen to catch a criminal. It needs to be supplemented with more awareness and gender sensitization and similar moves should be emphasized.
(Could have also talked about terrorists and related activities)
P1 : So, what kind of books do you read
Me: it keeps on changing. But recently I have been reading social books about life of people. For instance, the last book I read was
It is about a girl who is of the Al-Saud’s family and talks about her life as a woman in Saudi Arabia.
And before that
It explores the life of common people of North Korea under the dictator during the 1980s and the subsequent famine of 1990s. it is a compilation of interviews of refugees from north Korea by a journalist.
P2: what is Saudi Arabia doing about oil?
Me: It has refused to cut down oil production and because of this, oil prices have fallen
P2: what is the problem in opec?
Me: Saudi Arabia is a rich country with abundant oil and low cost of production. So it can afford to sell at a low price for long. Other countries can’t.
P2: should OPEC break ?
Me: No. their strength lies in staying together because then they can monopolize the market.
P2: why do u think Saudi Arabia is not cutting down production?
Me: told about the shale gas. If oil prices remain low, then exploration of shale gas in unviable and world would continue to depend on oil as an energy resource.
P2: any other reason
Me: market share
If Saudi Arabia cuts down production, it will loose out the market share to other countries like Russia.
P2: How is Russia’s economy dependent on oil?
Me : oil forms a huge percentage of Russia’s GDP and export. And due to the low price, it is suffering a lot.
P2: could this be the reason why USA is asking Saudi Arabia to not cut production?
Me: yes. specially because of the Ukraine – Russia conflict. A lot of other sanctions have also been imposed on Russia.
P1 : so, since you have read about North Korea, tell me something about the Korean war.
Me: the communist powers mainly USSR were supporting North korea whereas USA was supporting South Korea.
P1: year?
Me : 1970s.. I think
P1: sure?
Me: I am not sure sir. Sorry
P2: who is the dictator now?
Me: KIM JONG UN after the death of his father. 94-2011 was KIM JONG IL.
P2: so what are the firsts about MOM
Me : three firsts-
1. First time in maiden attempt
2. First time in least cost
3. First Asian country
And overall it is a very good step
1. Firstly, this allied tech can be used in a lot of places.eg. Communication
2. Then, PSLV is ISROs expertise, and we get a lot of international assignments for the same. It is great.
3. It inspires young kids to take up science
Hence, it is a great achievement for the country
P2: what is the full form?
Me : mars orbital mission
P2: think of some first related to that
Me : (thinking aloud) earths orbit to mars orbit. But that would be done by every rocket. So, I don’t know
P1 : okay thankyou. Take something. Take all three.( there were three things)
Me : thankyou sir, this one is fine ( picked a toffee and went )

[separator]IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience[/separator]
WAT: NGO asking foreigners not to invest in India as people don’t get good compensation and leads to problems etc
Interview duaration:Two professors P1(30’S) and P2(50’S)
P1: Come X sit dowm
A: Thank you sir
P1: So you are from BITS where are you doing your PS2?
A: Zinnov Mgmt Consulting
P1: But you are from electronics?
A: Yes sir but i developed interest in mgmt and gave the answer of how i developed interest fests and all and mentioned this is the mgmt related company i could get at my CG of 7.7 so took it
P2: So tell us what did others tell about us
A:Spoke only to the girl who just went outside… Nothing much she just said that ‘they are good people'(both started laughing)
P2: Was she even in a state to speak ? what does good mean?
A: Sir it is very relative .. what might be good for her might not be the case for me (both started smiling)
P2: What according to you would be her definition of good?
A:May be you din’t put too much stress on her
A: Yes sir, just told you what could be her definition of good ..may be she was too cooked up sitting from morning in one of the most important inerviews
P2: So do you want tea, coffee?
A: No sir, thank you
P2: Water?
A: Water would be good( P1 takes His glass and P2 pours water in it for me … drank water)
A: Sir can I keep pen on the table?
P2: Yaa sure ,, whats the problem if you hold it in hand?
A: Nothing much but if i get nervous during the interview i might start pressing it and that would create tick tick noise so ( pen was the one which we press) Both P1 and P2 start laughing really loudly
P2: I have been taking interviews for so many years this is the 1st time I am hearing this
P2: So ready?
A: Good to get started
P1: What did they teach you in electronics?
A: Control systems,anaog electronics.etc etc
P1: Tell me a control system in this room?
A: (looked around) AC
P1: Explain its working
A: Told
P2: You told temperature sensor is used which temp sensor is used? is it thermometer?
A: Not aware of it but obviously not thermometer
P1: Tell me what is a first order system?
P1:Draw graph for its responSe?
A: Drew it and explained
P1:what is time constant?
a: told
p1: what is physical meaning of order of a system?
a: told type of energy storing elements as in cap is one type inductor second
p1: but you dint ask we which energy storing element was being used before drawing the graph
A: these graphs are generic and same for a system with a particular order so doesnt make any difference whichever energy storing element is used
p1: so what is damping?
P1:give example of overdamped system?
A: gave example of a door with tight hinges
p1: so draw response graph for a 2nd order system?
A: drew it and explained
p1: what is advantage of a second order system over first order? A: told (Now P2 takes over)
P2: So you are doing internship at zinnov?
A: Yes sir just been 10 days
P2: Ok so what do you do there?
A: Secondary research to find the R&D spending of the companies and capture it as it would be useful in a G500 list which zinnov publishes
P2: What is r&d?
A:research and development
P2: Whats the use?
A: it helps us to know the sustainability of teh company.. blackberry invested in r&d significantly in late 90’s and reaped the fruits till 2008 as leader in the market segment of corporate phones , apple started investing in r&d significantly in 200-2004 when blackberry dint so we can see the effect it has toppled blackberry as leader in corporate phones segment
p2: So does it mean that a companies sales will inc if it invests in r&d?
A: depends on if it is radical r&D or incremental r&d and said something
p2: tell me will it incraese or not?( started shaking his head in disappointment)
A: Can’t be said conclusively
p2: so you cant relate sales to r&d immediately?
A: This is as much i knew .. i am not exactly aware ( p2 to p1 .. see he is not even aware of what he is working on)
p2: why do you publish such a list? do you get money?
A: No sir, its more of a marketing strtergy as no opponent does it and we are only one carrying out such a study
p2: explain in short what u have written in awt?
A: The step by the NGO is rather extreme as if investors dont invest it would hamper our infrastructure and industries, there would be no new jobs and this would lead to additional unemployment and would harm the cause of the eople for whom the NGO claims to be speaking
p2: Are you sure?
A: Yes sir 100%(biggest mistake) ( from this moment p2 starts looking here and there after asking me questions, turnng his chair around constantly shaking his head and mostly not looking at me but looking outside the window, this continues till the end of the interview)
a:sir i can give you an example of what happened in orissa
p2: dont want your examples .. no example can make you 100% sure
a: sorry sir , i thought i can illustrate my point clearly with my example so said so
p2: so is this a fact or an assumption?
a: sorry sir dint get your question?
p2: you dont even know the question.. (gives the awt question sheet back to me) take a look
a: sir i exactly know the question, just confused with your wording as in assunmption in my argument of given one.( he was not interested and his head was down on the table ) ( p2 asked 2 more follow up questions which i answered while he was spinning his chair or keeping his head on the table)(p1 takes over)
P1: What is fdi?
A: told
a: 1. High leve of competition from multinationals might have adverse effects on our local shopkeepers 2. large number of middlemen will get unemployed, need to find something for them too
p1: will tell you a statement.. tell agree or disagree?
p1: fdi in retail wont affect local shopkeepers take big bazaar example?
a: disagree
p1: after big bazaar has opened have you stoped buying from local kirana stores?
a: no sir but before big bazaar if i used to buy 10 items from local store now i probably buy 4 from big bazaar and 6 from local store and so this surely leads to a loss of revenue for them.
p1: percentage fdi in retil? a: i know about defence, insurance dont know exact percentage in retail
p1: what is mnrega?
a: mahatma gandhi rural employment gurantee act (p2’s head was down on the table for the entire time and suddenly jumps up)
p2: i though there in a ‘N’in the name?
A: sorry sir missed Natioanl (now starts looking outside the window)
P1: So does mnrega lead to development?
A: depends sir.. if it is used for infrastructure development like in tamil nadu for building bridges it leads to development but as in case of jharkhand if it is used only to dig wells after wells just to keep the people employed it is not development
p1: so if mnrega leads to development .. why do we need industries? so NGO was right?
A: As i said development claim is debatable and we cant provide everyone employment under MNREGA so we do need industris
Finally P2 rises up
P2: Tell me about your hobbies?
A: Sir I like solving sudoku puzles, watching cricket matches and discussing on national politics with my friends
P2: Ok … thank you .. we are done.. take a toffee
A: (took one).. thank you sir(and was leaving)
P2: X you forgot your pen on the table ? and started laughing
A: Sorry sir, collected it and left

[separator]IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience[/separator]
WAT: The government has decided to allocate Rs.400 crores to the development of sporting events and activities. The author argues that it is a complete waste of money as the same money could have been spent on health and education(especially in an underdeveloped country as ours). 6 follow up questions.
1st in my panel
Two professors(P1 AND P2)
P1: early 50’s
P2: middle 30’s(alumni most probably)
Both looked in a lively and cheerful mood.
P2 opened the door and asked me to come in.
Me: Greeted both of them Good Morning and P1 asked me to sit
P1: So your nickname is dodo?(I still wonder how they found out)
ME: Yes sir
P1: Why?
ME; Told how i got this nickname and added some stuff about the extinct bird (P1 looked satisfied)
P2: So you are from IIest( previously B.E. College or BESU). So what is the present scenario in your college(academically)?
ME: Explained with some suitable examples to justify my points
P2: So compare betweeen JU and BESU
ME: Told
P1: So your stream is Computer Science and Technology. So what is the difference between Technology and Engineering?
Me: Told(looked partially convinced)
P1: What is computer science(in 1 line)
ME: Told(was an apt answer)
P1: Who invented Computer and what was his nationality?
ME: told the name. Had no idea about his nationality. Told that and then took a rough guess( was wrong)
P1: So is calculator a computer? why/ why not?
ME: Told(P1 was convinced to a certain extent)
Now the disaster starts
P2: What happens when i insert my pen drive into the USB port?
ME: explained
P2: No tell me step by step .How files are transferred,, how stored and so on
ME: Tried my best to explain
P2: Suppose i break my pen drive. what will i find inside it?
ME: memory units and drive modules
P2: Nothing else?
Me: Sir there will be other modules too. However i’m unaware of it
P2: what happens when i delete a file from my laptop. Suppose im PK(now explain)
ME: took two cases. delete and go to recycle bin. and delete from recycle bin itself. Explained .. Tried to atleast.
Discussion went on for nearly the next 5 min (There were questions like how does Cbi retrive information from a computer if all files rae deleted and sorts. Didnt know)
P1: Do you know about projecT PARAM?
me: no
P1: It is some super computer based initiative taken up by the government. So tell me about super computers?what are they?
me: Told. Somehow told the exact definition
Some cross cutting questions
P1: Uve some awards in mathematics. like dat subject?
ME: yes sir
P1: find the expanded solution to (x-a)(x-b)…(x-z)
Me: Told them the normal polynomial expansion algorithm
P1: it is ok. But use some heuristic and answer in 15 sec
Me: I could not..(worst mistake. ans would be zero {x-x})
P1: Ok . go back home and keep thinking
P2: whats four color theorem?
ME: no idea sir (Why god why.. maths has other things too)
P2: So why did you not pursue mathematics
Me: told and also added how cst involves maths too especially computer control if industrial processes
P2: explain how
ME: told about laplace transform. State transition matrix. transfer function
P2: what is a laplace transform
ME: told a partially correct layman definition
P2: Only this much
Me: Also told about Z transform. How s- domain can be transformed to z domain
P2: So do you know about the dispute that happened during 2000’s in the IT industry?
Me: no sir( god… i was only 7 then)
P1:(laughing) he was too young to know. (Good. atleast someone understood)
P2: explained about the dispute
P2: so tell about some recent developments in the IT industry
ME: Google glass
P2: in which stage of development it is
Me: told that production has just started and its still in and experimental stage and consumer market unknown
P2: so you know about its functioning
ME: (frustrated by then) No sir im not totally aware of it
P1 and P2: Thank you…all the best. Have some chocolates
Me: tried to pick 1 toffee. Picked up two and returned 1
P2: you can have both also
Me: no sir. I intended to take 1 only. Thank you
Verdict: Reject

[separator]IIM Ahmedabad WAT PI Experience[/separator]
WAT topic : Involvement of political parties with student bodies causes unrest and violence in institutions. So, students bodies should not be involved with political parties.
How strong is the argument? Give arguments to strengthen or weaken the argument given with evidences.
(I think I screwed it up big time. I’ll come to that later)
Interview panel consisted of two youngish looking professors.
I entered, greeted them. They asked me to sit down.
P1 – (going through my application) Oh! Another doctor. Why sudden paradigm shift?
Me – Gave the answer. Was cross questioned. I tried to answer but I got this feeling that they weren’t fully satisfied.
Then other professor who was sitting idle till now took over.
P2- Do you follow news regularly?
Me – Um, sure sir.
P2 – international news
Me – I don’t read newspaper regularly but I’m reasonably aware of what’s happening around.
P2 – Alright. What do you know about ‘hxzfthzgzggzg’ (I had/have no idea what he asked)
Me – I don’t know, sir.
P2 – Alright. Tell me what you know. Some recent international incident
Me – I know about recent attack on Charlie Hebdo
P2 – tell me more about it.
Me – told them what I know. Why the attack and stuff.
P2 – what do you think was it a right move by radical group?
Me – definitely not sir. Should never resort to violence.
P2 – then what should they have done? After all charlie Hebdo did hurt their religious sentiments.
Me – (paused for a moment) Um, sir they could have tried to resolve it peacefully. Maybe an open letter of something of the kind to convey their part of the story.
P2 – do you think Charlie Hebdo would have stopped? Given their history
Me – (trapped) No, Sir. I don’t think they would have.
P2 – (Final nail) So, their issues wouldn’t have been resolved peacefully but it’s not right to kill for the same. Then what are they supposed to do?
Me – Sir, what I am trying to say is I’m not that informed or knowledgeable enough to give solution to this issue but I’m sure there is some way this can be worked out. Should never resort to violence.
P1 – let’s talk about the essay you wrote.
(Basically I argued that given argument is fallacious. It has assumed that political party is inherently violent, they promote violence to student bodies, student bodies mindlessly follow them. So many assumptions. Hence it is fallacious. Gave reasoning for every assumption and how it could be wrong. And concluded with saying that only one facet of this situation is given. Advantages of this union, if any, are not mentioned. So, from given arguments it can not be concluded that political parties should not be involved with student unions)
P1 – (cont’d) so, you think political parties don’t promote violence?
Me – sir, I think it’s not wise to generalise based on few examples.
P1 – Alright, how many examples do you need to generalise?
Me – (trapped again. Took a long pause) smiled and said, sir, it’s subjective.
P1 – I know that’s why I’m asking you. How many examples do YOU need?
Me – Um, sir. (paused for some more.)
P1 – Alright. How many examples do you know of?
Me – I know about this incident in this university.
P1 – apart from that?
Me – I don’t know sir.
P1 – Alright. Do you know of any examples where political parties are fighting against each other?
Me – Um, sir I think in maharashtra.
P1 – go on
Me – BJP and Shiva Sena. Some issue related to election. (I know! ‘some issue’ ‘election’. I had to say something. I have been saying I don’t know sir for way too long.)
P1 – (visibly disappointed) you don’t think parties fight?
Me – ideally, it should be healthy clash. Not riots and killing to promote their parties. (I know it’s India but I had to stick to arguments I made)
P1 – (gave up I couldn’t see it was disappointed or what!) Alright. So, you think political parties should be involved?
Me – I am not saying that they should but from the given assumption it can not be concluded that they should be not involved.
P2 – what do you do in your free time?
Me – I watch soaps and read books
P1 – what kind of shows?
Me – medical drama. Thriller.
P1 – tell me few names of medical drama
Me – house md. Scrubs. Grays anat
P1 – what is house md
Me – told.
P1 – why do you like it?
Me – apart from usual reasons, I like it because it portrays the story of fallen hero. I like stories which have fallen heroes
P1 – why?
Me – (instinctively said I don’t know sir) but then tried to explain
P1 – what other shows have fallen heroes that you watch?
Me – Doctor who. And explained what is it about.
P1 – can you tell me the name of actor who played the doctor?
Me – told. From 9th doctor to present
P1 – I used to watch doctor who, too. I don’t think it’s about